Now, do the course and see the numbers work for you!
Business Calculations Simplified (Financial Literacy). The course will
cover the book very closely. This course is similar to Finance for
non-financial managers, but the focus is more on developing the basic
skills required by anyone in business. It will prepare you with a toolkit of calculations and financial tools required in business. Once you understand how to perform the calculations, then we explain the more advanced aspects such as , Income statements, Balance sheets, and much more.
You have two course options:
1. The 2-day course, with the aim of being as practical as
possible and applicable to the calculations that the delegate would
use in his work environment.
2. The 2 hour Financial Motivation presentation.
You can attend a public course or arrange for an in-house course, specifically for your company.
The aim of the course is to create
a combination of the following:
- Eliminate the fear of numbers.
- Create thinking skills using numbers.
- Show how the use of calculations can
enhance the quality of decisions.
- Show how to understand and analyse management
rather than financial accounts.
- Develop a sound basis on which more complicated
financial knowledge can be built.
When first published the Basic Business Calculations book was number 4 on the exclusive Books top 10 business bestsellers.
The book 'Basic Business Calculations'
is available in the better book stores.